This is probably one of the more helpful tricks I’ve shown off so far.
Here is command using ffmpeg that will, get this, remove all frozen frames from a video, leaving only the frames showing work being done.
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf mpdecimate,setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB -an out.mp4
Let this run for awhile and BOOM, you get a clean recording devoid of down time.
This has one catch, mpdecimate, the filter removing the frozen frames, only operates on the frames of a video, not the audio.
I use the -an option to remove the audio, if not, it would be de-synced and make no sense.
This has saved me HOURS of editing when working on my wife’s recording of her doing graphic design work.
I hope it helps ya’ll too.
Subscribe to me on YouTube for more ffmpeg vidoes!